SAT Systems was established in 1984
Sub Aquatic Technical Systems Ltd - Gas Analysis, Monitoring and Control - Data Logging and Communications offering Diving and Hyperbaric Solutions
Series-5 Our new range of instrumentation

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Gas Analysis

SAT Systems manufacture a range of Gas Analysers and Monitors designed specifically for the diving industry.

We have selected the most appropriate sensor technologies to ensure the highest standard of accuracy and reliability under all conditions.

We have been developing Gas Analysers for over 25 years and are continually improving our products.

Our Analysers and Monitors are assembled and tested by our own highly trained and experienced technicians and each one is tested and calibrated before being dispatched.

We pride ourselves in the durability of our equipment and we frequently service analysers that we built over 10 years ago.

We offer a return to base program for servicing and repairs and are also able to supply essential spare parts by mail order.

Series 5 – Range of Instrumentation

SAT-5 Range of instrumentation AIR-5 Instrumentation
The SAT-5 range of instrumentation is designed specifically for use within saturation diving systems were they provide unparalleled features and performance The AIR-5 range of instruments are intended for air diving operations. These instruments have been designed to provide high performance yet cost effective solutions for air diving systems
dive communication solutions
Request a quotation on our instrumentation data logging systems or communications equipment data logging spares and accessories
S.A.T.Systems Ltd   1 Kelly Industrial Estate, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man,  IM6 1SS