SAT Systems was established in 1984
Sub Aquatic Technical Systems Ltd - Gas Analysis, Monitoring and Control - Data Logging and Communications offering Diving and Hyperbaric Solutions
Series-5 Our new range of instrumentation

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Temperature and Humidity

The S.A.T. Systems temperature monitors are available with sensors that will measure temperature in either gas or fluids. Typical applications include decompression chamber internal temperature monitoring and diver’s hot water temperature monitoring.


SAT-5 Temperature & Humidity Monitor – for use in a diving system control room environment to accurately monitor the internal temperature and humidity of chamber compartments and hyperbaric rescue chambers.

SAT-5 Temperature Monitor – Can be used to monitor most critical temperatures that require an alarm on both high and low values.

Air-5 Temperature & Humidity Monitor – designed for accurate monitoring of air diving chambers.

dive communication solutions
Request a quotation on our instrumentation data logging systems or communications equipment data logging spares and accessories
S.A.T.Systems Ltd   1 Kelly Industrial Estate, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man,  IM6 1SS